
Mythical Munchies Plush & Pins

Created by Comfort Kingdom (Dream Keep Dragons)

Weighted Plush, Plush Stress Balls and Pins designed of mythical creatures mashed up with favorite comfort foods with “Punny” names.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Mint Chip V2 Weighted Unicone Unlocked!!!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 09:26:06 AM

Small update we are now only $150 from next keychain stretch goal! If we reach him I’ll reveal a new addon that will become available once we hit next stretch goal! 

We did it guys! We unlocked another weighted plush! Next is our werewaffle keychain and then more pins and we do have more plush coming too but they are expensive to make so keep sharing and keep pledging! 

You can now select the weighted Mint chip unicone at the end of the campaign when you fill out your surveys! So if you select “One Scoop” you will now have the choice between Cherry OR Mint! If you grab “Two Scoops” you will now have the choice of both! We got this guys! 

15,500 Unlockes our Were-Waffle Keychain! We have pin versions coming as well but personally I love these charms they are so sparkly! If you select the keychain add-on and he unlocks you will be able to select him from your survey at the end! 

Another Stretch Goal Unlocked! We can do it Dreamers! Lets keep this train moving and unlock more!
about 2 months ago – Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 04:25:34 AM

Congrats amazing Dreamers! Together we’ve unlocked another small stretch goal The Burgerus Acrylic Keychain is unlocked!

 Now we are only a mere $200 away from unlocking the new version 2 Weighted Mint Chip unicone and then more pins and on our way to Neapolitan! That is only the cost of ONE more dragon tier sale!

Also Dark Dreams Tiers here are sold out but you can still pre-order him on my original campaign along with add-on Scents, companion dragons and more! You won’t be charged yet until around valentine’s day for Dark Dreams over there either! We are extending companion orders a bit longer as we wait for chinese new year to end to finish the prototyping of those, but we are planning to send Dark Dreams in for production along with our other giant dragons, so those will be charged sooner rather than later, but that means he is almost fully funded!

We only officially need 6 More orders of Dark Dreams for him to be officially fully funded and continue just taking pre-orders! We are so close guys! Also over there you can buy adorable star plush weights we will be prototyping to add an extra 2lbs where you’d like either middle, neck or tail for your dragon so it can be weighted how you like! They will also work in the companion dragons if you choose the zippered skin version. Grab one here now! 

Spooky Dreams Pin Unlocked!! You guys are awesome!! We are just 1K away from next goal!
about 2 months ago – Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 01:39:25 PM

Omg you guys 😭 I didn’t have high hopes for this campaign because I didn’t have any shows to advertise, and we have to usually funnel what little money we have into ads, to be seen because of algorithms and me being a bit behind on social media. I am so excited Spooky Dreams’s pin is unlocked and NOW we are just 1K away from the weighted version of Mint Chip! If we get close to unlocking Neapolitan I have more stretch goals to share! I also have some mini achievements that will come before Neapolitan I just had a lot of backlog on freealance commissions so I am updating the stretch goals for you all! There are more pin tiers between Min and Neapolitan, and if we SOMEHOW get to 50K I’ll tell you now that that is a bit jump and seems unlikely with all the competition we have but that is what we must reach to release the stress balls! (Haha stress relief) lol

Keep dreaming guys and keep sharing us! Help us break out of the pack so we can fill the world with dreams and comfort!

Amazing things are coming Stretch goals and Future Campaigns (Dragon Sneak Peek)
about 2 months ago – Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 09:36:27 AM

Hello Dreamers,

So I wanted to update you all a bit for those that are supporting this campaign and those that have not yet, or have only supported the dragon one. We hadn’t planned this campaign originally, as I said, but thought it a good time to dust off our old concept and prototypes to finally get made for the unicones.

Our next campaign will be more centered around the dragons and be our series 2, but it may take a little while. Our priority first and foremost is to prove ourselves to you all and get our items IN your hands!

That being said, the first edition Mint Chip Unicones are finished NOW and can be shipped to you if you wanted just that, or to pay for split shipping where you get one item now and pay later for the rest after they are done.

We are still perfecting the dream companion dragons which is what has been holding things up a bit for those, but the Giant dragons have already gone to production, and we are planning to send dark dreams with them to save on freight. Once the dragons start shipping we plan to have some fun interactive contests, and other things to build awareness of our mission, our characters, and build hype for series 2 which will have MORE than just dragons as part of our Dream Keep line.

 We will be holding some video and photo contests and are looking forward to seeing how you interact with our unrivaled quality and exquisitely detailed plush. We hope to share all our dreams with you and world and can’t wait to hear what dreams they’ve unlocked for your in YOUR life!

We are a small creator, but we hope to grow and we appreciate each and every one of you who has supported us thus far!

-Your loyal Dream team Shana and Randall

Make sure you follow us so you don’t miss any updates! 

Congrats guys!! We unlocked vivid Dreams pin!
about 2 months ago – Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 08:55:52 PM

You guys are amazing!! we unlocked vivid dreams pin!! Spooky dreams enamel pin is next! I just woke up for find this you guys are the best! Let’s get spooky dreams pin unlocked and then we are right up to the next Unicone!! Also we have more stretch goals if we get closer to Neapolitan and then stress ball plush!! Let’s comfort the world! We all need it right now!