
Mythical Munchies Plush & Pins

Created by Comfort Kingdom (Dream Keep Dragons)

Weighted Plush, Plush Stress Balls and Pins designed of mythical creatures mashed up with favorite comfort foods with “Punny” names.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All surveys are sent! Keep checking your email!
4 days ago – Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 08:19:50 AM

Hello Dreamers,

All the mythical munchies Pintopia surveys have now been sent out they will be going in waves throughout the day so be sure to check them and fill them out so we can going on production for them! We anticipate this campaign going much faster since we are working on simpler things. So be sure to grab your addons and fill out your surveys!

For those that didn’t pledge at all or missed the campaign the pre-order store has also been opened for a limited time!

Surveys are starting to go out! BIG UPDATE!
5 days ago – Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 12:18:09 PM

Hello Dreamers, 

Surveys for our Pintopia/ Mythical munchies campaign is now going out! 

You can also now addon things from the add-on store.


We got quotes for our stressballs and have decided to self fund 2 other flavors, so now you can pick from three patterns for the stress-ball plush or add them on! The flavors are “Cookie Dough” “Rainbow Sherbet” and “Cookies and Cream”!

For those that have purchased the “3 scoop” tier you can swap your third choice with one of the stressballs if you’d like I’ll have to manually do this so please send me a message if you’d have selected or want to upgrade to that tier and do that. 

Here are some updates on cookie dough. We are waiting on the revisions and then the other two colors will be made soon! 

We also got our first look at our “Chocness Monster” pins! The others will be coming along very soon as well! So be sure and grab them from our new Add-on store while you can! The store will only be staying open for around TWO WEEKS! Since we want to get this stuff into production before end of march so we only are focusing on our large dragon campaign from last fall. 

Stress-Ball Plush Prototype Updates!
12 days ago – Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 12:28:34 PM

Hello Dreamers,
I’m still fighting a nasty virus so I’ve been a bit behind, as I’m coughing a lot and not getting much rest. BUT I’m making progress on the surveys, and we also have gotten an adorable first look at our stress-ball Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! We will be adding rainbow as an option for pre-order and if we get enough orders we will make him available too. I’ll link my photos here, but you will have to check out our socials to see the videos. He needs some adjustments still to his face, legs, and the heart on his chest, but he is very close!
Check out the video here:

Surveys should be ready first week of March plus update
18 days ago – Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 05:46:16 PM

Hello Dreamers,

Me and my husband are both still battling a very bad flu which has set me back a bit on the surveys. Bad bronchitis, coughing fits and it’s just going away yet. I’m on anti-biotics so hopefully it will pass soon. We have sent Chocness monster off to start production but we are still waiting on funds to clear.

Please correct any payment issues before surveys are sent out or we will have to cancel your orders and you will lose any bonus pins, early bird freebies etc.  

The first stressball Unicone plush is also began prototyping hopefully it will be done soon. We will have a pre-order add-on store open for about two weeks so you can add on extra items. This campaign we will not be keeping open long so we can get everything into production and out to you and put our focus back onto our dragon campaign. 

Surveys coming soon! Updates
23 days ago – Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 01:06:47 PM

Hello Dreamers,
I’m working hard at setting up the survey. Having some complications with setting up shipping profiles so I’m waiting on hearing from backerkit support.
Chocness monster pin design has been sent off to the factory for proofs and order placed and the others will soon follow! If you didn’t grab one you will be able to add them on when the survey pre-order store opens soon!

In other news Dark Dreams on our original campaign is closing in a few short hours and will be charging tonight if you wanted to grab one or a dragon carrying bag do so here: