
Mythical Munchies Plush & Pins

Created by Comfort Kingdom (Dream Keep Dragons)

Weighted Plush, Plush Stress Balls and Pins designed of mythical creatures mashed up with favorite comfort foods with “Punny” names.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Strawberry Unicone pin Unlocked and more achievements close!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 12:17:55 PM

Hello Dreamers,
I’ve been super busy with revisions on our dragons and other work and I almost missed it! We’ve unlocked another stretch goal the strawberry Unicone pin, and we are just around 300 away from the Peppercorn as a pin! 

We are also just a little over 1K away from the stressball plush Unicone backers choice! And Chocness monster pin! A personal favorite! If he does well as a pin we will consider him as a plush in the future!
Our dragons will also be flying away soon! Dark Dreams on our original campaign locks the same time this campaign ends as well as the other dragon tiers here. So if you wanted one don’t wait! There are only a few left. 

Livestream today! And 300 away from next goal!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 06:31:18 AM

Hello Dreamers,

I’m joining some other Pintopia artists on stream today! 2PM EST or 11AM PST 

You should be able to watch from my page.

If you have any questions for me or the others about the process, about our creations, what it takes to create a new product, or to see more of my prototypes or just visit with me and the dragons be sure to tune in!

There is about a week left to grab one of our exclusive pins, bags, Unicone plush, or pledge for one of the few dragons we released here! We are just 300 away from our next adorable pin and a mere 2K away from the Backerk’s choice Unicone stressball plush! 

All your support is going directly into producing our creations and bringing them to market and we are so grateful for all of you for believing in me and my dreams. 


WE DID IT GUYS! Apple Pydra Enamel Pin, Creative Dream & Were-Waffle Bags unlocked!
about 1 month ago – Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 07:49:37 AM

We unlocked the next stretch goal!! We have a few more pins to unlock and we are now just 2K away from our first stressball plush, AND the “Chocness Monster” Pin which I’m so excited about!

Now if you purchase a laptop bag Add-On you will be able to select either one of these unlocked bags during your survey at the end of the campaign! Grab one now or a “mythical Munchies enamel pin tier, or add-on and you will be able to select the Apple Pydra pin!

2 New Achievements unlocked PLUS Final results for Unicone Plush!
about 1 month ago – Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 01:07:57 PM

Hello Dreamers, 

The majority has spoken and there was a resounding love for Rainbow Sherbet

BUT don’t fret those that love Neapolitan we may add him as a stretch goal option or see if you guys would like a redesign of him I have in mind. Either for a stressball or the full plush maybe in a series2. So now we need to work to unlock Rainbow! 

NEW UNLOCKS: Daydream Enamel pin is now unlocked! So when you pledge for either a pin tier, or add a dragon pin as an Add-on you can select Daydream when you get your surveys! 

We are only about $100 away from the NEXT Stretch goal Unlocks at 18000

which is 2 more bags and the Apple Pydra pin! If you select a bag as an Add-on NOW or a Pin and these unlock you can select them at the end of the campaign through your surveys so don’t wait until they unlock, help them unlock now by purchasing either “Laptop Bags” addon or pin!

At 20,000 You guys will get to vote on which Unicone Stress-ball Plush unlocks! These will be a smaller version of the plush with Stressball inside. They will still be mini plush but with the added features!  Whichever wins will be the first to unlock! The second place will be the one right after to unlock for stressball plush! So go grab a plush and when they unlock you can select the Rainbow Unicone! We are getting closer guys! 

New Achievement Unlocked! New Plush Poll!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 03:47:36 PM

Hello Dreamers, 

It seems Neapolitan isn’t getting the response I had hoped. I made these almost a decade ago and have grown a lot as an artist, and I’m not afraid to pivot, or explore further when something doesn’t seem to be working. SO here’s the plan. 

We will be making ONE more weighted unicone so we at least have a set of 3 to sell and once they sell out they will be retired forever! BUT we will continue to make them as the stress-ball plush as I think they are MADE to be stressballs and that wasn’t originally an option. So if you could choose just one flavor to be made into the full sized plush out of Neapolitan or Rainbow Sherbet at 25K which would it be? 

Please Answer using the attached poll below: 

Whoever is chosen will be made the 25K plush goal WITH our next most popular voted on flavor as a stressball plush.

  BUT we will have another poll for what flavors you’d like to see as the stressball plush, because if we reach 20K we will unlock a stressball flavor a bit early out of the original 3 flavors or any of the others drawn to see who you’d want to have in stressball size first! So keep sharing and keep pledging because 

we are now just 3K away from unlocking a stressball!